The U.S. Ambassador in Beirut, Dorothy Shea, said that the recent agreement on the demarcation of maritime borders between Lebanon and Israel is a historic achievement that she is proud to have witnessed during her tenure in Lebanon which is coming to an end.

Ambassador Shea focused on fostering cultural ties and initiatives between the United States and Lebanon. One such initiative, “Meet the Artist,” launched by the U.S. Embassy in early 2022, has drawn attention and praise for its unique approach to bridging cultural gaps and inspiring emerging talent.

“The arts and culture are means of salvation, not luxury,” Ambassador Shea remarked, underlining the profound impact of cultural exchange during these challenging times.

“The initiative, conceptualized by the embassy’s cultural team, aimed to bring together emerging artists with prominent Lebanese figures in their respective fields. This platform allowed them to engage in dialogue, share their aspirations, and explore their concerns, fostering a sense of unity and purpose within Lebanon’s artistic community,” she added.

In an interview with Al-Sharq El-Awsat newspaper, the ambassador highlighted the common thread that ran through these conversations with artists. “I heard a common concern from the artists: What can we do for the Lebanese artistic community in these challenging times to make a difference?” she shared.

She emphasized that the initiative successfully instilled inspiration and ambition in the rising generation of artists while also alleviating some of the pressing challenges faced by Lebanon’s artistic community.

She pointed out that the United States prioritizes initiatives that bring people together, such as “Meet the Artist.” The cultural calendar budget allocated to Lebanon, totaling one million dollars, is meticulously channeled into projects that directly impact people’s lives. One such impactful initiative involves collaboration with organizations dedicated to underprivileged children with a passion for music. These young talents receive music lessons taught by American musicians, enriching their artistic journeys.

Furthermore, Ambassador Shea emphasized her country’s commitment to preserving Lebanon’s cultural heritage. This commitment extends to the restoration and rehabilitation of historic sites like Beiteddine Palace and Mseilha Fort. Additionally, the embassy supports organizations focused on fortifying Beirut’s structures against seismic risks. This multifaceted approach underscores Washington’s profound interest in Lebanon and its strategic perspective on the nation’s future.