Senior US envoy Amos Hochstein visited south Lebanon on the second day of his visit Thursday, and met with the commander of the UN peacekeeping Force, UNIFIL, Gen. Aroldo Lazaro of Spain.


Hochstein, who is on a mission to prompt the Lebanese to engage in negotiations to demarcate their southern border with Israel, also toured the volatile Blue Line separating the two countries.


He later moved to Bustros Palace, where he met with caretaker Foreign Minister Abdullah Bou Habib who has just returned from New York where he led the Lebanese delegation debating the contentious draft resolution for the renewal of UNIFIL’s mandate for another year.


Earlier Thursday, the US Embassy in Beirut announced on the “X” platform that the US envoy visited the tourist attractions of Baalbek, where he toured the acropolis and its museum in the company of US ambassador to Lebanon Dorothy Shea.


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