On Tuesday, the Kataeb party issued a statement rejecting any attempt to restrict UNIFIL’s work or undermine the authority granted to them by previous international resolutions, foremost among them, Resolution 1701.

The party’s political bureau called on the international community to safeguard the international forces’ work and take appropriate measures to empower them. Thus, it will allow them to fully carry out their role, which permits the containment of weapons under the legitimate Lebanese authorities.

The statement urges the government to immediately comply with international decisions and fully cooperate without any excuses.

Furthermore, the bureau said that “President Emmanuel Macron’s statements affirmed Iranian interference in the Lebanese presidential issue and that Hezbollah’s obstruction falls within this context.”

The Kataeb Party considers that “the country is held hostage by Hezbollah and has once again engaged in the game of wasting time to impose its will on all Lebanese.”

The Party refuses to be drawn into this game and has called on all those who are concerned for Lebanon to come together and form a unified national front that will work to recover Lebanon and its institutions through peaceful means.

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