Saudi Arabia’s Ambassador to Lebanon Walid Al-Bukhari confirmed that the Kingdom is a major supporter of tourism in Lebanon. The advisory for Saudis to leave Lebanon was a response to the clashes that took place in the Ain el-Helweh camp, prioritizing the safety of Saudi citizens wherever they are. Al-Bukhari expressed confidence in Lebanon’s tourism prospects if they find solutions to their crises.

During a meeting with the Tajaddod delegation, led by the president of the Economic, Social and Environmental Council Charles Arbid, they discussed overcoming Lebanon’s internal crisis through the efforts of French envoy Jean-Yves Le Drian, as agreed upon by the five countries. The importance of the Taif Agreement and its implementation was emphasized, and Ambassador Al-Bukhari highlighted the international support provided by the Kingdom for Lebanon, including the meetings of the five countries and the previous Saudi-French-American trilateral statement and the French-Saudi summit.

In response, Arbid thanked the Saudi ambassador for his attention and appreciation of the political document presented by the Tajaddod party, and they agreed to uphold ongoing communication. Arbid also stressed the importance of building platforms for economic, social, and political stability.”

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