Saydet el-Jabal stated that, after the disappearance of the Palestinian parameter (from the Lebanese equation) in 1982, Hezbollah and Iran are trying to reintroduce it to Lebanon through Iran’s regional interests by using the Palestinian card, from the West Bank to Ain el-Helweh.

In a statement following its weekly meeting, Saydet el-Jabal demanded the implementation of the resolutions of the National Dialogue of 2006, which includes the disarmament of Palestinians outside the camps and their organization, as well as the extension of the authority of the Lebanese army over the entire territory.

Saydet el-Jabal also strongly rejected “Iran’s use of the Palestinian issue in Lebanon, a consequence of Iran’s occupation of Lebanon,” adding that there will be no state, reform, economy, or security as long as Lebanon remains under occupation.

The meeting also emphasized the foreign pressures to elect a president to prevent the deterioration of the situation. It called on the opposition forces to immediately come together and declare their commitment to the Doha Declaration (which stressed the need to elect a president and implement international resolutions 1559, 1701, 1680, and 2650).

Saydet el-Jabal recalled that the failure to elect a president is due to the sabotage of the electoral quorum by members of Hezbollah, Amal, and their allies.

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