Lebanese Forces (LF) Leader Samir Geagea said on Tuesday, July 25, that “his party, alongside their allies, is currently dedicated to the battle aimed at recovering the Republic from its kidnappers.”

Geagea believes that this struggle consists of “preventing the opposition axis from controlling the position of the presidency of the Republic so as to prevent the deterioration of the economic and financial conditions and the deepening of the Lebanese suffering.”

He also went on to say that “the importance of the role played by the LF as a safety valve for society is highlighted day after day.” In this sense, he expressed that “the sovereign and free Lebanese are counting on the party to save whatever remains of the country and restore Lebanon’s former glory.”

He said, “We are fully aware of the long path ahead to free Lebanon from its captors and to return its official institutions.”

Geagea further explained, “We are determined to pursue this goal tirelessly and without hesitation. Our aim is that the Lebanese achieve their aspirations for a free and dignified life within a sovereign and prosperous homeland where the rule of law prevails.”

Geagea’s remarks were maid as part of a reception to which an LF delegation from the Aley region was invited. The discussions focused on projects to be implemented with the aim of revitalizing tourism in the region.

Of note, the commitment shown by party officials in Aley was highly commended and praised.

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