The case in the shooting incident in Qornet el-Sawda, which claimed the lives of two people on July 1, will be handled entirely by the Military Tribunal since it involved opening fire on army troops.

Lebanese Army intelligence is expected to hand over the file, including investigation findings, to Attorney General Judge Ghassan Oueidat shortly, according to a judicial source quoted by sister Arabic-language site Houna Loubnan.

“Ten suspects from Denniyeh and two from Bsharri were arrested as a result of preliminary investigation,” the source said, adding that investigators succeeded in identifying two persons involved in the shooting in which Haytham Tawk was killed.

The two suspects, who are under arrest, “admitted that they took turns in firing at Haitham using the same firearm,” the source added.

According to forensic doctors and criminal evidence, the shooting occurred from a distance.

Haytham and Malek Tawk were killed in Qornet el-Sawda, in a double murder believed to be linked to a dispute over land demarcation and the exploitation of water resources between the districts of Bsharri and Denniyeh. These disputes are recurrent, particularly during the summer season. Many individuals have denounced the crime, accusing the executive and the judiciary of laxity.

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