Awaiting final laboratory results, investigations led by Chief Investigating Judge in the North Samaranda Nassar, in collaboration with the forensic evidence team, have revealed new evidence regarding the murder of two young men from Bsharri.

The team has determined the approximate location of Haytham Tawk’s death and the distance from which the bullet was fired, which is estimated to be around 160 to 170 meters.

The type of weapon used in Haytham Tawk’s murder has also been identified. Multiple bullet casings were found at the location where the group of young men from Bsharri was present, along with bullets at the point from which the shots were fired at the victim.

Information indicates that Haytham and his companions were targeted with a few shots, resulting in the victim’s death. This triggered a response from the young men from Bsharri. However, the type of weapon carried by the group has also been determined.

Local station LBCI has also learned that seven stone-made barricades were found in the surrounding hills, while other barricades have been documented in farther hills.

In related news, army helicopters have been deployed to conduct patrols and aerial surveillance, while the investigation continues to unfold. The Qornet el-Sawda area, along with the neighboring mountains of Al-Makmal, is now subject to heightened security measures, restricting access to certain locations as a precautionary measure.

Meanwhile, the army’s intelligence unit continues to actively investigate the Qornet el-Sawda event and has made great progress. The crime scene was inspected and a comprehensive investigation was conducted on Thursday. Important sensory evidence was gathered, which might potentially speed up the investigation. The emphasis is still on the testimonies of the individuals involved, as they provide critical evidence in determining the truth behind the incident.

Amidst these developments, the residents of Bsharri have come together to offer their prayers for the two victims. They are invited to participate in the liturgy on the upcoming Sunday, which will be led by Maronite Patriarch Bechara Boutros Al-Rai at the Summer Patriarchal Church at 10:00 a.m. This gathering aims to pay tribute to the departed souls.

Haytham and Malek Tawk were killed in Qornet el-Sawda on July 1. The murder is believed to be linked to a dispute over land demarcation and the exploitation of water resources between the districts of Bsharri and Denniyeh. These disputes are recurrent, particularly during the summer season. Many individuals have denounced the crime, accusing the executive and the judiciary of laxity.

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