On Monday, Saydet el-Jabal stated that “with the stalemate in Lebanon blocking the election of a president, the presidential crisis is heading for decision-making centers abroad.”

The statement added that “at a favorable regional and international juncture, they will try to propose solutions that would include amending the Constitution and the political system according to the balance of power controlled by Hezbollah’s force of arms.” Consequently, “any dialogue to modify the constitution under foreign aegis is a dialogue subject to the conditions of the party and not serving the construction of the state,” as pointed out in the statement.

“This is why we renew our commitment to the Constitution and the National Understanding Document (Taif Agreement, editor’s note) as essential references for any solution,” continues Saydet el-Jabal.

The group also rejected the efforts undertaken by caretaker Foreign Minister Abdallah Bou Habib to amend UN Security Council Resolution 2650, which granted UNIFIL unconditional freedom of movement in its area of operations in 2022, allowing it to carry out inspections and patrols without prior authorization from the Lebanese army. “Bou Habib seeks to serve Hezbollah’s interests at the expense of the national interest, by calling for the cancellation of the amended paragraph in resolution 2650,” the statement continued.

“To change international resolutions is to harm Lebanon’s foreign relations,” the members of Saydet el-Jabal emphasized.