Leader of the Lebanese Forces Samir Geagea called on the government to set a clear and practical timetable for the return of Syrian refugees to their homeland before the end of this year.

In a statement published on Monday, June 26, Geagea based his stance on “the leaked reports about the positive atmosphere surrounding the visit of caretaker Minister of the Displaced Issam Charafeddine to Damascus, and the Syrian minister of Interior’s affirmation of Syria’s readiness to meet the demands of Lebanon regarding the return of Syrian refugees to their country.”

According to Geagea, “any delay on the part of the government in addressing this matter would not be justified and would be implicate them in potential attempts to settle Syrian refugees in Lebanon.”

Geagea called “on the forces forming the current government, especially Hezbollah, Amal, and the Free Patriotic Movement, to assume their responsibilities and develop a clear plan for the swift return of these displaced individuals.”

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