Free Patriotic Movement (FPM) MP Cesar Abi Khalil said in an interview on local media Al-Jadeed that the FPM’s alliance with Hezbollah cost them a lot and reduced their popularity.

“We had significant alignments with Hezbollah that have cost us a lot also in terms of popularity,” stated Abi Khalil member of the “Strong Lebanon” bloc.

Abi Khalil added that “the 59 votes for Jihad Azour were expected to increase, and our intersection is based on a figure who has the qualifications to lead the country out of its current situation.”

He affirmed that “if Minister Frangieh remains a candidate for the presidency, Jihad Azour will remain a legitimate and natural candidate, noting that Azour garnered a greater number of votes in the 12th presidential election session.”

The FPM MP urged the opposing bloc to “engage in dialogue, discussion, and agreement on a roadmap, instead of celebrating imaginary victories.”

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