The Lebanese-American Coordination Committee, a coalition of Lebanese-American organizations working together to support Lebanon’s sovereignty, independence, and democracy, appealed to the United States to step up its assistance to put an end to the presidential vacuum plaguing the country. The LACC urged the US administration to make an urgent call for a unified president who is able to spearhead economic reforms.

The LACC stressed “the adverse consequences of an extended presidential vacancy, which has heightened political chaos in Lebanon and hampered its economic recovery efforts.” The committee urged  Speaker of Parliament Nabih Berry to “fulfill his constitutional obligations by maintaining open presidential election sessions until the electoral process is concluded.” They emphasized the necessity of “preventing any attempts to block or hinder this important process.”

The Committee called on Lebanese MPs to “take an active part in all Parliament’s electoral sessions and to exercise their right to vote in a responsible manner, choosing a candidate that they consider suitable, rather than casting blank votes.”

The message, which has been sent on behalf of LACC’s members organizations to the US Department for Foreign Affairs and Congress, underlines the urgency of this situation.

The LACC coalition comprises the Assembly for Lebanon (AFL), the Lebanese American Renaissance Partnership (LARP), the Lebanese Information Center (LIC), Our New Lebanon (ONL), the Shields of United Lebanon (SOUL), the World Lebanese Cultural Union (WLCU), the Lebanese for Lebanon Foundation (LFLF), the American Lebanese Policy Institute-PAC (ALPI-PAC) and Lebanese Advisory Organizations: the Civic Influence Hub (CIH).