Maronite Patriarch Bechara Boutros Rai said in a speech he delivered on Monday, June 12, during the opening of the Synod of the Maronite Patriarchate, that the patriarchate maintains “an equal distance from all candidates,” in the ongoing presidential election process.

He further stated that the patriarchate will receive a condensed report on the discussions among the patriarchal delegates comprising representatives of Christian, Sunni, Shiite, and Druze communities. The purpose of these discussions will be to address the current presidential deadlock, which has persisted for eight months.

According to the Patriarch, the delegates have stressed “the importance of conducting the election in a spirit of democratic consensus, devoid of tensions, conflicts, enmities and divisions.”

Rai also highlighted the “significance of upholding the democratic right to nominate and be nominated, as well as the moral obligation to respect the dignity of candidates.” He highlighted the need for “peaceful coexistence, trust and cooperation for the betterment of the unified nation.”

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