During the Sunday sermon, the Metropolitan Archbishop of Beirut Elias Audi called upon the Lebanese MPs to reflect on the critical situation and elect a president who can pave the way for the country’s salvation. He emphasized the importance of conducting the electoral process on Wednesday “peacefully and democratically, enabling a new phase characterized by work and salvation.”

The Archbishop also highlighted the importance of genuine solidarity and partnership between Lebanese political leaders, showing “concern over the prevailing selfishness, individualism, and tribalism of politicians” that is “hindering this partnership.”

“The lack of love and collaboration has led to a fragmented society lacking trust. Everyone wants the interest of their group and seeks to elevate their leader to the seat of power, while they should be thinking about the fate of a people living in the darkness of poverty, humiliation, and oppression,” he stated.

The Archbishop paid tribute to former minister and owner of An-Nahar, Ghassan Tueni. He urged politicians and officials to “honor Tueni’s principles and carefully read history to responsibly shape the future of Lebanon.”

“How can Lebanon, as Ghassan Tueni and other great figures envisioned, fail to elect a president?” he asked. “Out of respect for the principles of Ghassan Tueni and others like him, and for the democracy of Lebanon and its role, it is incumbent upon politicians and all officials to read history well in order to draw the future with precision and responsibility,” he concluded.