Caretaker Foreign Affairs Minister Abdallah Bou Habib participated in the ministerial convention of the International Coalition to Fight ISIS Thursday in Riyadh. The invitation to Lebanon was extended by Saudi Foreign Minister Prince Faysal Bin Farhan and U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken extended the invitation to the Lebanese side.

Bou Habib delivered a speech following Bin Farhan and Blinken in which he commended the efforts of the Lebanese security agencies in combating and defeating the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria and depriving the terrorist group of any safe haven within the Lebanese society.

The Lebanese foreign affairs minister warned about the ever-growing risk of keeping the Syrian refugees on Lebanese soil, especially during the ever-declining living conditions and ongoing economic crisis.

Bou Habib elaborated saying that some extremist organizations might take advantage of the refugees’ poverty and dire situation in order to recruit them and jeopardize the security and stability of the host country.

He later called for their safe return to Syria with dignity and amid efforts to secure all their basic living requirements and necessary infrastructure.

Bou Habib concluded saying: “Let us never forget the innocent people who have fallen victim to ISIS terrorist acts, and we renew our solidarity with their families and loved ones.”

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