Lebanese politicians praised the Internal Security Forces (ISF) for maintaining the country’s security and stability amid Lebanon’s economic and political crises as the security institution celebrated the 162nd anniversary of its establishment on Friday, June 9.

Caretaker Prime Minister Najib Mikati saluted ISF members, praising their sacrifices for the sake of protecting the land and the people.

“With God’s help, we will work on doing justice to the security and military forces to enable them to confront all the difficulties we are going through,” Mikati said.

Former prime minister Saad Hariri said in a tweet: “On its 162nd anniversary, I congratulate ISF Director General Imad Othman and the officers and members of this institution who sacrificed their blood in defense of their homeland and its security in the face of terrorists, agents, and criminals.”

Caretaker Interior Minister, Bassam Mawlawi, said on the occasion, “The ISF are a symbol of security, safety, pride, glory, and dignity in Lebanon… After 162 years, you remain our heroes.”

On his part, Tripoli MP Abdel Karim Kabbara tweeted: “Our trust in you is great, our support is absolute, and our constant bet on the state and its institutions to prevent chaos and preserve stability is unwavering in order to overcome the crisis.”

MP Raji El Saad was among the well-wishers as well.

“We applaud the ISF’s rank and file for maintaining the security of Lebanon and the Lebanese, despite difficult political, social, and living conditions. There will be no stability, tourism, or economy without safety and security. Thousands of salutes to you,” El Saad said in a tweet.

In a related development, the ISF Pensioners’ Media Committee issued a statement on the occasion, deploring that “no appeals and sweet words can prevent us from hunger.”

“Greetings must be coupled with medication, hospitalization, and healthcare for sick military members. Glorification speeches are for consumption only,” the committee said. It called for restoring the pensioners’ rights and “ending their humiliation at the doors of hospitals and banks.”

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