Lebanon’s General Security banned controversial Kuwaiti writer and TV host, Fajr Al-Saeed, from entering Lebanon after she arrived at Beirut Rafic Hariri International Airport on Wednesday, June 7, evening. Saeed was scheduled to give an interview to the “We Want the Truth” program on “Sawt Beirut International” with Walid Abboud, local news agency Al-Markazia stated.

The agency reported that Abbas Ibrahim, the former head of Lebanon’s General Directorate of Security (DGSG), issued a memorandum against Saeed over her anti-Hezbollah stance.

Recent reports indicate that General Security did not provide Saeed with an explanation for the decision and kept her at Beirut airport until she returned to Kuwait on a Middle East Airways flight on Thursday, June 8.

The Kuwaiti Embassy in Beirut was informally notified of the ban on their citizen, which prompted the Kuwaiti Chargé d’affaires to head to the airport at night with a delegation from the embassy.

The Chargé d’affaires offered to accompany Saeed to the Kuwaiti Embassy until the reason behind the decision is explained. However, the Lebanese General Security refused to grant permission for Saeed to enter Lebanese territory.

The Embassy contacted both Ziad Makari, the caretaker Minister of Information, and Bassam Mawlawi, the caretaker Minister of Interior, to resolve the issue, to no avail. Both ministers were actively involved in monitoring the case.

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