MP Fadi Karam, member of the Strong Republic parliamentary bloc (Lebanese Forces), said that “things are going well for presidential candidate Jihad Azour,” noting that discussions will continue to be held until the parliamentary session on Wednesday, June 14.

Speaking to local media, Karam emphasized that “the Free Patriotic Movement’s stance in this regard is positive and a large proportion of the votes of their MPs are expected to be in Azour’s favor.”

Based on talks between various political factions and parliamentary blocs, Azour’s chances are good, considering “the Hezbollah-Amal coalition’s tense statements” in the past few days, he noted.

Regarding the awaited position of the Democratic Gathering bloc, Karam stressed that “the atmosphere is positive, but we cannot anticipate the bloc’s decision,” considering that “the appointment of [ex-foreign minister] Jean-Yves Le Drian as a personal envoy for Lebanon is an attempt to ‘fix’ the actions of the previous French team.”

He added that the “Sleiman Frangieh-Nawaf Salam settlement is over,” as evidenced by the latest approaches and actions.