A decisive meeting is scheduled on Friday to finalize a study previewing an increase of internet service charges up to five or six times in order for the sector to become profitable, caretaker Telecommunication Minister Johnny Corm declared.

Speaking in an interview with Voice of All Lebanon Radio, the minister said, “the only solution, a radical one, for the Telecom sector necessitates the application of law 431 that stipulates the creation of LIBAN TELECOM, a third mobile telephone provider, in addition to the existing mobile companies ALFA and TOUCH.

The internet and mobile communication sector in Lebanon is far from being ideal and has been plagued by numerous problems, mostly related to fund shortages.

Despite an initial increase in telecommunication tariffs that was applied several months ago in order to improve of the service, problems persisted and worsened.

While funds have been allocated to Ogero, the public internet and telephone provider, telephone centers in several regions were out of service Friday due to lack of fuel needed to operate power generators.