On Monday, the Saydet El Jabal gathering denounced the visit of a group of Christian clerics to Hezbollah in the Mleeta landmark, “which always expresses, under any occupation, the phenomenon of dealing with the fait accompli, and submission to the occupation.”

Earlier on Friday, Christian and Muslim clerics from Beqaa, Zahle, Jezzine, and Sidon, accompanied by Sheikh Muhammad Yazbek, attended a tour to Mleeta organized by Hezbollah’s public relations office on the occasion of Liberation day.

After its weekly meeting, Saydet El Jabal gathering reiterated that the battle for the presidency aims at preserving the Republic and protecting the Constitution. Therefore, it is not a battle around the candidates’ names.

The statement stressed on various points, some of which are the battle for sovereignty and Independence, and lifting the Iranian occupation on Lebanon. This could be achieved by bringing together patriots from different sects in order to reconstitute national unity.

The gathering stated: “This fact was concretized by MP Mohammad Raad yesterday as he gave only two choices to the Lebanese people, either the vacuum or the election of the Iranian occupation’s candidate for the presidency.”

“Is there any value to these elections?” they added. The gathering invited “all sovereigns” to stand clearly and honestly in the face of these threatening and non-sovereign words.