Caretaker Prime Minister Najib Mikati held several meetings on Wednesday May 24 at the Grand Serail.

Mikati met with the Word Bank’s Regional Director for the Middle East Jean Christophe Carret to discuss proposed financing projects. They mutually agreed to revisit the talking points next week.

The Caretaker Prime Minister held another meeting with the International Organization for Migration’s Director in Lebanon Matteo Lucciano, during which they addressed the problem of illegal migration as well as potential cooperation methods between the Lebanese government and the Organization to further limit this migration and provide Lebanese youth with better job opportunities.

Mikati afterwards held discussions with Caretaker Agriculture Minister Abbas Hajj Hassan.
“We discussed compensation for farmers whose crops were affected by the storms. The people can no longer bear this ever-worsening economic situation,” Hajj Hassan said.

“The Prime Minister gave explicit instructions to deal with this issue, and a mechanism will be put in place to be presented to donors,” Hajj Hassan concluded.

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