Former Minister Mohammad Choucair announced on Saturday the launch of the political group “Koullouna Li Beirut” in a large ceremony held at the Seaside Arena Pavilion Hall.

The group is of a political and national nature and is cemented by patriotic ideals. It includes religious, social, and economic dignitaries, along with several activists and female entrepreneurs.

Media veterans Alphonse Dib, Rony Alpha, and Youssef Diab delivered heartfelt introductions at the opening of the ceremony. Choucair then took the stage to announce the launch of “Koullouna Li Beirut.”

“Political developments in the country show that when the Sunni component in our society is absent, the lack of its vital and efficient role leads to deep dysfunction in the political balance,” Choucair said. “We stand for the moderate Sunni current and aim to empower it after all the damage and oppression it has faced, so that it may play a bigger role. Our country’s revival goes hand-in-hand with the revival of all its components with no exception,” he added.

He focused on the importance of national partnership, moderation, equal rights, democracy, freedom, justice, and rule of law, and emphasized that the Taif agreement is the only basis to organize political and constitutional life in Lebanon. Choucair went on to emphasize how important the role of women is in our society, as well as the educated youth and the diaspora.

He concluded by saying that this is only the beginning and that “Koullouna Li Beirut” is looking forward to expanding its vision across the nation hand-in-hand with all the Lebanese, in order to build the Lebanon all the country’s citizens aspire for.