Caretaker Minister of Economy and Trade Amin Salam assured on Wednesday that “the World Bank (WB) is committed to supporting Lebanon,” emphasizing that “the Ministry of Economy and Trade is keen on close cooperation with the financial institution to achieve results in the coming year, notably the beginning of the implementation of the GATE project and the project to support small and medium-sized enterprises to revitalize the economic cycle.”

Salam made these remarks following a meeting with the Executive Director of the World Bank, Abdel Aziz Al-Mulla, who emphasized the need to continue implementing existing projects and to seek the development of new support projects, particularly with the International Finance Corporation (IFC) and the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD).

It should be noted that this meeting was part of the follow-up to Salam’s visit to Washington, which included meetings with the World Bank Group and the International Monetary Fund (IMF).