The daily workers of Électricité du Liban (EDL) announced on Thursday that the sit-in they have been holding since the morning in front of the public electricity provider’s building will continue until the return of the general director of EDL, Kamal Hayek, next Monday to address their demands. A meeting of EDL officials did take place, but in the absence of the director, no decision could be made.

On Thursday morning, the daily workers closed the doors of the state institution during the sit-in, demanding an improvement in their working conditions, similar to that of other Lebanese public employees. They want to be treated “fairly.”

In a statement sent to the EDL officials, the daily workers denounced their meager pay and lamented the fact that the salary increases approved by the Council of Ministers have not been implemented.

They expressed surprise at the decisions of the EDL board of directors, which refused to grant them salary increases and social assistance, unlike the public administration employees, and maintained their daily wage at 410,000 Lebanese pounds.

The daily workers have requested that EDL “pay them all previous remunerations retroactively from September 2022 to December 2022, the salaries of the first two months of 2023, as well as social assistance until June 2023.”

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