As the vibrant city of Beirut awakens to another year of cultural richness and diversity, Beirut Chants 2023 is poised to encompass 25 days from November 30, offering free entrance for all. Beirut Chants festival stands as a beacon of hope and unity, transcending the boundaries of language and culture through the universal language of music.

In the heart of a city famed for its resilience and spirit, Beirut Chants emerges as a symphony of peace, harmony and artistic expression. This year, the celebration encompasses not only the timeless beauty of choral and spiritual music but also the indomitable spirit of Beirut, which continues to thrive in the face of a panoply of challenges.

Beirut Chants 2023 stands as a testament to the city’s enduring love for the arts, bringing together an eclectic mix of local and international musicians, choirs and performers. From the hallowed halls of historic churches to open-air venues under the Mediterranean sky, the festival offers a melodic journey through sacred hymns, classical masterpieces and contemporary compositions. Each performance serves as a dialogue of melodies, echoing the city’s rich tapestry of history, culture and faith.

Be a part of this musical odyssey, where every note resonates with the soul of Beirut, and every harmony tells a story of resilience, hope and the unifying power of music. At Beirut Chants 2023, the music speaks, the soul listens and the heart of Beirut beats stronger than ever.


November 30, 2023 | 8:00 PM

St. George Maronite Cathedral

G. Puccini Messa di Gloria & L.V. Beethoven Choral Fantasy

Antonine University Choir

Notre-Dame University Choir

Lebanese Orchestra

Armenian State Symphony Orchestra

Joseph Dahdah, Tenor

Cesar Naassy, Baritone

Kyubin Chung, Piano

Toufic Maatouk, Conductor

Opening Concert

December 1, 2023 | 8:00 PM

Beirut Souks, Downtown

Abeer Nehme

December 2, 2023 | 8:00 PM

St. Maron Church, Gemmayzeh

Stories / Bridging Traditions

Ziad el Ahmadie – Oud and composition

Mounir Mahmalat – Cello

Bahaa Daou – Percussion

December 3, 2023 | 8:00 PM

Assembly Hall, AUB

100 years of Maria Callas

LE DIV4S – Italian Sopranos

Davide Dellisanti, Piano

In collaboration with the Italian Embassy and the Italian Cultural Institute

December 4, 2023 | 20:00

St. George Maronite Cathedral

Notre-Dame Jamhour Choir

Marc Reaidy, Tenor
Manal Assaf, Soprano
Cecilia Hage, Alto
Manal Assaf, Conductor
Notre-Dame de Jamhour Choir

December 5, 2023 | 8:00 PM

Assembly Hall, AUB

Kyubin Chung

In collaboration with the Embassy of the Republic of Korea

Kyubin Chung, Piano (First prize of Tokyo International Music competition)

December 6, 2023 | 8:00 PM

Gulbenkian Amphitheater, LAU

Lebanese Trio Concert

Mario Rahi, Violin
Ayad Khalife, Piano
Sary Khalife, Cello

December 7, 2023 | 8:00 PM

St. Maron Church, Gemmayzeh

Michal Kaňka & Jaromír Klepáč

In collaboration with the Embassy of the Czech Republic

Michal Kaňka, Cello

Jaromír Klepáč, Piano

December 8, 2023 | 8:00 PM

Beirut Souks, Downtown

The Real Deal Blues Band

Elie Abi Farah, Vocals & Guitars
Nidal Abi Samra , Keyboards & Saxophone
Elio Hachem, Drums
Faysal Itani, Bass
Fares Sokhon, Harmonica
Hani Alayli, Guitars

December 9, 2023 | 6:00 PM

The National Evangelical Church

The Birth of Hope

Gargatch Children Choir of Hamazkayin
Verona Rousialian, Piano
Kevin Yousif, Piano
Shoghig Torossian, Conductor

December 9, 2023 | 8:00 PM

Beirut Souks, Downtown

Matteo El Khodr, Coutertenor

December 10, 2023 | 6:00 PM

St. George Orthodox Cathedral

St. Romanos the Melodist Choir of Beirut

In memory of Abdallah Tamari

Fr. Romanos Joubran, Conductor

December 10, 2023 | 8:00 PM

St. Elie Church, Kantari

A Tenor’s Christmas

Bechara Moufarrej, Tenor

December 11, 2023 | 8:00 PM

National Evangelical Church of Beirut

Khalil Chahine & Louisa El Khoury

Khalil Chahine, Organ
Louisa El Khoury, Soprano

December 12, 2023 | 8:00 PM

Beirut Souks, DownTown

Maqams and Rhythms

Firas Andary

December 13, 2023 | 8:00 PM

St. Joseph Church, Monnot

Jesus, The Son of Man

Musical Piece for Choir, soloists and Orchestra based on Kahlil Gibran’s book

Henri Zgheib, Text adaptation
Iyad Kanaan, Music
Philokalia Choir
Sr. Marana Saad, Conductor

December 14, 2023 | 8:00 PM

St. Maron Church, Gemmayzeh

Pablo Barragán & Nuron Mukumi

In collaboration with the Embassy of Spain

Pablo Barragán, Clarinet (First prize winner of the Prix Crédit Suisse Jeunes Solistes 2013)
Nuron Mukumi, Piano

December 15, 2023 | 8:00 PM

St. Joseph Church, Monnot

30th Anniversary Celebration

Notre Dame University Choir
Khalil Rahme, Conductor

December 16, 2023 | 8:00 PM

Beirut Souks, Downtown

Carole Samaha Sings Christmas

December 17, 2023 | 6:00 PM

First Armenian Evangelical Church

Beirut Chants El-Sistema

In collaboration with the Embassy of Sweden

December 18, 2023 | 8:00 PM

St. Elie Greek Catholic Cathedral

St. Stephanos the Melodist Choir

Dr. Alain Osta, Conductor

December 19, 2023 | 8:00 PM

Beirut Souks, Downtown

Fayha National Choir

Maestro Barkev Taslakian, Conductor

December 21, 2023 | 8:00 PM

Assembly Hall, AUB

Jonathan Fournel in collaboration with the Embassy of France in Lebanon

Jonathan Fournel, Piano (First Prize at Queen Elisabeth Piano Competition; First Prize at Scottish International Piano Competition)

December 23, 2023 | 8:00 PM

Beirut Souks, Downtown

Guy Manoukian

The program is subject to change, so please keep monitoring the official website for updates.

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