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In a vibrant festival of color and emotion, the talented Lebanese painter Zeina Nader recently exhibited a series of her works in two renowned Spanish galleries. This exhibition, titled Patria en Pinceladas (My Homeland in Brushstrokes), pays an artistic tribute to Lebanon, her native country.

The exhibition, orchestrated through collaboration with esteemed curators, was showcased in the prestigious Bloom Gallery in Valencia, overseen by Elisabeth Hefty, and De Souza Gallery led by Fred De Souza. The contribution of Dr. Tony Karam, renowned for his expertise and passion for contemporary art, added an extra layer of depth to this captivating exhibition.

In Patria en Pinceladas, Zeina Nader captures the beauty of her native Lebanon through canvases vibrant with color and emotion. From Lebanese landscapes to red-roofed houses, and scenes of sea and nature, each work reflects a mix of nostalgia and hope, characterized by a generous use of blues and greens, thus highlighting the natural beauty of the country.

The opening, directed artistically by Hefty, De Souza, and Karam, drew a diverse audience, ranging from art enthusiasts to seasoned collectors. Nader’s presence, in these uncertain times, was hailed as a deep gesture of respect for art and her country.

Alongside the exhibition, Nader presented and signed her art books, as a painting workshop was organized at the Bloom Gallery, allowing visitors to immerse themselves in the artist’s distinctive style.

Nader expresses her connection with her country through her art: “To paint the landscapes of my country through the prism of my artist’s gaze, imbued with the abstract emotions of my love for this land that has endured so much, yet always risen with dignity and strength, is to unveil all the wounds of my life and imbue them with the hope of my colors. This homeland, which radiates nothing but beauty despite all assaults on its peace, is a profound message of love and resilience to the world. Its tranquil landscapes, the blue of its sky and the green of its nature, the sea and the foam, the mountains where magnificent red-roofed houses nestle, the herds of sheep and the trees, the fauna and flora — I paint them all with the fervor of my brush. For within my simple and serene vision lies the strength of this sacred land.”

Organized by Hefty, De Souza and curated by Dr. Tony Karam, Patria en Pinceladas has become much more than an exhibition; it is a vibrant celebration of the culture, history and beauty of Lebanon, as seen through the eyes of a passionate artist.

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