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Louss, an artist raised amidst the vibrant cultures of Paris, Montreal and Beirut, with a brief stint in Dakar, has swiftly established himself in the Lebanese indie scene within just a year. His father, a musician himself, harbored dreams of his son following in his footsteps, encouraging him to join choirs, study music theory, and play the piano from a young age.

Relocating to Lebanon in 2010, Louss developed a deep affection for electronic music. He quickly immersed himself in Beirut’s bustling nightlife, mastering the art of DJing and enthralling audiences at some of the city’s most esteemed clubs. Furthermore, he proved his mettle as a manager for Lebanese artists, underscoring his dedication to the music industry.

Despite his fervor for music, Louss took his time to refine his style. He regularly shared his demos with friends, who recognized his enormous potential and urged him to release his own compositions. In 2022, he heeded their advice and released his debut single, Mirage.

Mirage, a music video directed by Jad Rahmé

was warmly received by listeners, laying the foundation for Louss’ distinct musical style. If one were to categorize his genre, it might align with Indie-Pop. However, Louss emphasizes that his sound is an “indirect influence of all the music he has encountered throughout his life.” This eclectic influence is evident in his debut album, Paradis Perdus (Lost Paradises), released on July 21.
Crafted over a year, this album reflects the tumultuous period the artist underwent. It delves into themes such as romantic heartbreak in Mirage and the loss of a loved one in the poignant song Des Mots (Words). Through his compositions, Louss seeks to heal his scars and rediscover his Paradis Perdus.


Cover Art by Tiffany Murr

For him, the studio is a sanctuary, a wellspring of inspiration. He refers to the British band, Faithless, to describe this sentiment, “This is my church, this is where I heal my wounds.” It’s his haven where his creativity resonates most profoundly.

Louss possesses a unique perspective on his craft. Even if he believed a track might not achieve commercial success, he would release it. To him, music serves primarily as personal therapy, a means to soothe his heartaches. If it resonates with even a single individual, it is already a triumph in his eyes.

In our interview, we tackled his aspirations for future collaborations. Notably, he expressed a desire to work with acclaimed artists like Kendrick Lamar, Frank Ocean and Odezenne. Given his trajectory thus far, it’s not a stretch to envision these dreams materializing, should he maintain his promising momentum.

In essence, Louss embodies the spirit of a passionate and genuine artist. His unique journey and commitment to his craft mark him as a rising star in the indie scene. We can only hope the future holds even brighter paradises for him.

Amin Zorkot

This article was originally published in French on the Agenda Culturel website.