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Tale of Us, the exhibition curated by painter and designer Oussama Ghandour at the “Chaos” Gallery from September 14 to October 2, stands as a promising harbinger of sublime artistic encounters. The artworks, which echo ever-evolving narratives, continuously unveil new layers, fostering an endless dialogue between the artist and the visitors.

Oussama Ghandour: a name now reverberating in artistic circles from Beirut to New York. Born in Beirut, this artist cultivated a rich imaginative landscape through studies in visual arts, graphic design and communication at the University of York in Toronto. Moving around through Doha, Dubai, Riyadh, Nice and New York has added diverse and rich hues to his palette of inspirations.

Thriving at the juncture of art and life, Ghandour embraced painting through the potent force of love. Forsaking a career in graphic design, he wholly devoted himself to painting, his true calling. His distinctive style is a tribute to freedom, an abstract dance of warm and vibrant colors intertwining on a dynamic canvas, offering a sensory spectacle.

Ghandour’s artworks, characterized by powerful and generous brushstrokes, beckon deep reflection. With a splash of yellows, pinks and emerald shades against dark backgrounds, he conjures a symphony of almost palpable form. He crafts a space where observers can lose themselves, a realm where lines seem to pulse with a life of their own, delving deeper into the poetic essence of the cosmos.

Under the assured and instinctive strokes of an artist who has embraced the nearly animalistic nature of his craft, one finds a space for contemplation and introspection. His canvases become unending narratives, each glance adding a new thread to the complex tapestry of emotions and reflections.

Abstraction is not merely a technique; it is an invitation to explore the infinite. Ghandour paints from the deep subconscious, sketching light stories that invite spectators to complete the tale, to decode the indistinct silhouettes and unfinished contours and inscribe their own narratives. It is a collaborative endeavor between artist and observer, an eternal dance in an imaginary landscape where the mineral and the vegetable blend, the tangible and the intangible intermingle.

Each piece offers a glimpse into an ethereal world, where a lake might appear in a moment of clarity, or where the traces of a kiss meld into the warm embrace of a couple in eternal dance. It is a call to dare, to delve into the unknown, to lose oneself to better embrace the pure and emotional beauty emerging from orchestrated chaos.

Come discover this artistic universe where each piece is an invitation to an emotional and sensory adventure. Oussama Ghandour’s world awaits you at the Chaos Gallery, a space where art meets life in a vibrant symphony of colors and emotions, until October 2. Don’t miss this opportunity to experience the pure joy, the happiness emanating from each canvas, in a space dedicated to art and contemplation.

 Instagram: @jogannepaintings

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