Batroun in the dying hours of the day. Embraced by the vines that stood majestically in the Ixsir vineyard, Harout Fazlian – like a master winemaker – finely orchestrated the distillation of his ensemble’s subtlest melodies, on Thursday, July 13th. Together, they gave birth to the most ecstatic harmonies. Fourtissimo, as it was named, brought together four Armenian virtuoso pianists who engaged passionately in a musical joust of exquisite finesse, revealing the quintessence of their talent and highlighting their symbiotic partnership with the Beirut Chamber Orchestra, under the inspired direction of its seasoned conductor. The melodies soared like Dionysian nectar, blending the smooth nuances of European art with the evanescent caresses of the golden lights embracing the terroir, transporting the audience into an enchanting melodic trance where each chord brought boundless delight. Throughout this recital, the melodies intertwined like threads of gold, weaving a musical tapestry that splendidly united the baroque, classical, romantic, and modern eras.

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