An air of solemnity and reverence enveloped the Exhibition Center of the War Museum in Kyiv on July 8, 2023, as relatives and patrons alike faced the powerful portraits of fallen Ukrainian soldiers, vividly painted on shell boxes by the acclaimed French street artist Christian Guemy. This gripping scene unfolded during the unveiling of Guemy’s much-anticipated exhibition Guerre en Ukraine (War in Ukraine).

In a compelling marriage of grit and grace, Christian Guemy’s riveting pieces are a testament to the soldiers who paid the ultimate price in the ongoing conflict. For a painstaking 18 months, he had been entrenched in the country, creating a wide array of works that span across video, installation, and personal objects that once belonged to these valiant soldiers. The silent corridors of the Exhibition Center echoed with quiet reverence as the attendees, with eyes locked on the shell box portraits, allowed the essence of Christian Guemy’s artistic creation to seep into their consciousness. Each portrait narrated a haunting tale, etching a poignant tribute to the heroes who fought bravely, their lives abruptly ended by the harsh realities of war. Among the displayed pieces, a particularly moving tribute was dedicated to Arman Soldin, a journalist from Agence France-Presse (AFP), who tragically fell near Bakhmut earlier this year. Soldin’s valorous efforts to report from the frontlines were immortalized in Guemy’s distinctive style, a powerful reminder of the harsh costs of conflict, not just for the military, but also for those who risk their lives to tell their stories.

Throughout the evening, the palpable emotional resonance reverberated through the exhibition center, each portrait evoking a multitude of reactions. Relatives stood motionless, their faces etched with a blend of grief, pride, and solemn respect. The portraits, beyond mere depictions, encapsulate the souls of these fallen heroes, resonating deeply with their kin and eliciting a profound sense of loss and honor. Christian Guemy’s exhibition is not just a display of his artistic prowess, but a bold testament to his empathetic connection with the devastating impact of war. His work underscores the transformative power of art in reframing the narrative of tragedy and loss, offering a visual elegy to the brave souls lost to the war in Ukraine.

Tales from the past

Renowned French street artist Christian Guemy, or C215, journeyed to war-stricken Ukraine to use his art as a symbol of peace and innocence. In April 2022, he painted a vibrant portrait of a young girl on a bus shelter in Kyiv, creating a stark contrast against nearby war-damaged buildings. Following the Russian invasion, the artist replicated this image on a massive mural on a Parisian apartment block, now painted in the colors of the Ukrainian flag.

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