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The Baalbeck Festival maintains its splendid journey. Scheduled to run from July 1 to 16, the Temple of Bacchus is set to morph into a majestic backdrop for festivities imbued with an international flavor. On this occasion, Nayla de Freige, the festival’s president, unveils the “secret ingredient” that compels attendees to return year after year.

“Our cultural resistance, present since the festival’s inception, instills pride in our spectators and fosters a desire to participate in the festival held at one of the country’s most beautiful monuments, the Roman temples of Baalbeck. It is also the cultural diversity of the performances we offer that draws a broad audience,” the president declared to Cultural Agenda.

In this edition, the festival showcases a meticulously curated lineup of international and local artists. Attendees will have the opportunity to experience a diverse array of performances, encompassing classical and contemporary dance, mesmerizing Sufi music featuring whirling dervishes, Lebanese music and chants, as well as pop music.

Kicking off on July 1, the festival inaugurates with a performance by Roberto Bolle. The president underscored the exceptional quality of this spectacle by saying, “Having enjoyed years of success both in Italy and abroad, this dance performance is organized in partnership with the Italian Embassy and the Italian Cultural Institute, which have contributed to the restoration of the Baalbeck ruins.”

The second evening, scheduled for July 2, celebrates the 40th anniversary of Al-Kindi ensemble with Sheikh Hamed Daoud and the Whirling Dervishes of Damascus. This event signifies the triumphant return of the group to Baalbeck and pays tribute to its founding master, Julien Jalal Eddine Weiss. The event takes place during the period of Adha, adding a mystical touch to the occasion.

A Musical Dialogue Among Artists

On Friday, July 7, the third evening will dedicate the stage to a “musical dialogue” uniting Lebanese and Spanish artists, showcasing the art forms of flamenco and dabkeh. The president emphasized that the event represents a genuine convergence between these two musical styles, with the participation of a flamenco dancer from Spain, Lebanese singer Fabienne Daher and the USJ Choir directed by Yasmina Sabbah. This performance exemplifies the creativity and diversity that are characteristic of the Baalbeck Festival.

On July 14, renowned Lebanese singer Melhem Zein, a native of Baalbeck, will take the stage for a two-night concert. The initial concert is open to all spectators, while the subsequent evening is dedicated to the residents of Baalbeck. Melhem Zein is recognized as one of the finest voices in the Arab world and was recently appointed as a “United Nations Goodwill Ambassador.” He will be accompanied by the Lebanese orchestra conducted by Maestro André Hajj, performing his most beloved songs.

The festival’s grand finale, on July 16, showcases a concert titled “Voodoo Cello” by the French singer Imany. For the past decade, Imany has enchanted audiences with her deep voice and compositions influenced by soul, folk and blues. In “Voodoo Cello,” she is accompanied by eight cellos, breathing new life into pop history’s undeniable hits, from Radiohead to Bob Marley.

For over six decades, the Baalbeck Festival has drawn a cosmopolitan crowd, coming together to honor the rich heritage and cultural legacy of this historic city. In the words of Nayla de Freige, this event serves as a “ray of hope at the end of a long, obstacle-laden tunnel.” She emphasized that this event has been made possible thanks to the unwavering support of patrons whose contribution has been instrumental in ensuring the enduring success of the festival..

The Baalbeck Festival is supported by CMA CGM, its principal partner, by the Robert Matta Foundation, the Saadallah and Loubna Khalil Foundation, the Île-de-France Region, the embassies of Italy and Spain, the Philippe Jabre Foundation, Dar el Handassa and several other patrons.

By Hoda Rizk

Tickets for the performances are available at Virgin Ticketing.