The Lebanese Industrial Sector: 18,542 Factories Producing 1,656 Products
©Al Markaziya

Based on the latest statistics from the Guide to Lebanese Exports and Industrial Institutions for the end of 2024, Lebanon has 18,542 factories producing 1,656 products. This includes 8,771 factories classified according to the international harmonized system, and 1,179 products exported internationally, meeting the legal and technical standards required to access world markets.

The Ministry of Industry has issued licenses to 5,358 factories, meaning 61% of the surveyed factories are licensed. In addition, 831 factories are affiliated with the Lebanese Industrialists’ Association. The guide also mentions the geographical distribution of factories, the majority of which are concentrated in Beirut and Mount Lebanon.

Industrial Guide director Fares Saad stressed that efforts are underway to identify more unlicensed factories and establish industrial zones with local and expatriate investment. This could reduce the trade deficit and transform the Lebanese economy into a production economy.

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