In his latest op-ed on the program Sar el Waet ("It's About Time"), journalist Marcel Ghanem sharply criticized Kulluna Irada, accusing the organization of using its media and political influence in ways that harm both the reputation of his program and the MTV channel. He focused on the organization’s lack of transparency and questionable political maneuvering, demanding accountability for its actions. Here’s what he had to say:
“It is imperative to set the record straight about the level to which the Kulluna Irada organization has recently sunk. The organization has been involved in advertising, editing, and posting videos in collaboration with several affiliated associations and organizations.
These videos have caused significant harm to both my program and the channel.
I will not sink to the level of the organization’s managing director, Diana Menhem, who was previously a guest on our program.
Instead, I will leave the matter to the criminal court and file a lawsuit personally, in my name and in the name of the program, against her and Kulluna Irada, including its board members, some of whom are expected to be appointed by Nawaf Salam as ministers. One such individual is Amer Bsat, with whom I spoke yesterday. He personally apologized for Mrs. Menhem’s comments about me and the program. Mr. Bsat was clear in his rejection of every word she uttered and all the content shared in those videos. He expressed his total respect for my work, my career, and the program.
Therefore, Mrs. Menhem has made a declaration of war in her name and in the name of Kulluna Irada, against me, the program, and the channel, which asked the newly-appointed Prime Minister whether Kulluna Irada is the entity forming the government, acting as a political party entitled to appoint four ministers.
This matter was a topic of discussion last Friday with the Prime Minister. The debate lasted half an hour, and the Prime Minister was adamant: none of Kulluna Irada’s members or executives would be part of the government. Despite it all, one can still read the name of Amer Bsat as Minister of the Economy, although he is a member of Kulluna Irada’s board of directors, contrary to what Mr. Salam and the statement released by Kulluna Irada said earlier tonight.
I would like to ask the public a question regarding the transparency of the organization which allegedly seeks reforms, accountability, and forensic auditing. This same organization has started pumping funds into Lebanon from abroad, benefitting associations, politicians, and media outlets, without any monitoring whatsoever. The funds have been channeled since 2018 to politicians, candidates, and media outlets, although the organization does not have any legal framework. In 2021, Interior Minister, Bassam Mawlawi, issued an official notification to the organization – you can read the decision on the screen.
The alarming part is that, since 2021, the organization has only presented one balance sheet to the Interior Ministry, amounting to zero as you can see behind me, in exchange for a certificate that would enable it to receive funding from abroad.
As for the years 2022, 2023, and 2024, the organization has obtained several certificates, but no one knows how. We ask you now, Interior Minister Bassam Mawlawi, how did this happen, knowing that no other balance sheet was presented? Where does the money go? How is it spent? Where does it come from? Is this the transparency you have been claiming, you who pretend to be clean?
As of today, you are requested to disclose all information about your revenues and wages from 2018 to this day. Your donors must know how and where their funds are spent in Lebanon. We must also know how these funds reached Lebanon and where they were distributed, as the next parliamentary elections are imminent, and you have started gathering funds from abroad accordingly.
Is Nawaf Salam truly transparent?
How can he surround himself with individuals like these, and with the likes of Tarek Mitri?"