Despite the security measures taken by the Ministry of the Interior on New Year's Eve, a 6-year-old girl, Sajida Shoman, lost her life after being hit by stray bullets due to celebratory gunfire, in the Wadi Khaled area of Akkar. Several solar panels and cars were also damaged.
On Tuesday afternoon, caretaker Minister of the Interior Bassam Mawlawi had warned against celebratory gunfire, declaring it a crime liable to severe penalties. He had also called on citizens to avoid excessive speed, not to drink and drive, and to follow the instructions of Security Forces and Civil Defense agents. The combined forces had mobilized 327 vehicles and 4,200 members to carry out their mission and maintain order and security.
On Tuesday night, Internal Security Forces officers patrolled the coastal roadway to slow down traffic and prevent accidents as they escorted locals returning home. Several checkpoints were also set up to test motorists’ blood alcohol level.