Now that the war has ended, you owe us an apology — to our children, our women, our land, our Beirut, our economy, our South, every building destroyed and every citizen displaced! You must come forward and acknowledge the devastation you have caused. "Had I known" will not absolve you today, nor will it erase the scars left on our souls and our cities. Today, you are the culprits, the perpetrators, and our blood is your burden to bear!
We stayed silent for hours, days and months. We endured destruction, displacement and the sight of our homeland being devastated and betrayed. We bore the arrogance of some of you, the empty rhetoric of false (divine) victories and even your pride in our suffering.
But now that the war has ended, it is time for you to listen, to apologize and to abandon your arrogance. Nothing will be the same after the dark September and the collapse of your so-called “support front.”
Now that the war has ended…
Again, today, “had I known” (Hassan Nasrallah’s expression following Hezbollah’s destructive 2006 war against Israel) will not absolve you, nor will it erase the scars sustained by the people and the country. You are the culprits, the perpetrators, and our blood stains your hands!
You lied, deceived and boasted that your support would save Gaza. So where is Gaza now? It is being annihilated, starved and slaughtered. What have you done to help Gaza?
You have caused significant harm to Gaza, turning into a major obstacle in its ceasefire negotiations. You deceived Gaza, just as you deceived us.
You were the ones who claimed Israel was as fragile as a spider's web. Yet now, no home remains — for either us or you. What’s left is a shattered homeland, devastated by thousands of missiles and shells. We have reached the point where we are begging for a ceasefire and offering the "enemy" whatever it demands, just to end our suffering!
You, who raised the slogan "We protect and we build," have done neither; instead, you have only shattered our lives and caused death.
You are a "lie," your weapons are a "curse," and your resistance has expired!
You are the face of death to this nation, and we are weary of "death" and your submission to Iran — Iran that has mocked you, sold you out and exploited your resistance for its own gain.
Not a single drop of blood was shed in Iran, yet our blood has been spilled because of you!
Now that the war has ended, apologize! Perhaps one day we will forgive the crimes you have committed against us, against Lebanon and against the South, which belongs to us more than it does to you!
Apologize and remain silent. Do not boast with your empty speeches or hand out moral judgments that bear no relation to your actions.
Do not label us as collaborators! You — and only you — are the true traitors.
Look at your own stronghold, reduced to rubble by agents among you...
Look at the assassination of your leaders, at those who betrayed the secrets of your strongholds and led the enemy to your doorstep!
Remain silent. You are the true masters of betrayal! You destroyed the nation and raised the banner of resistance, while failing to embody its true meaning.
Remain silent... and apologize!