Laetitia Moya's angelic voice connects Beirut to Paris with her new single Fall Together. This passionate young filmmaker and singer, now residing in Paris, was discovered by a young Texan music producer.
Laetitia Moya recently released a single, Fall Together. The young filmmaker and passionate singer’s talent was noticed by a young music producer from Texas.
With a cinema degree from USJ, IESAV, and a master's in directing in Paris, Laetitia Moya never gave up her dream of singing whenever the opportunity arose. Persistent and passionate, she maintains her talent and golden voice. Fortunately, from Paris where she resides, she was discovered.
Laetitia Moya Moukarzel's achievements continue. At the Lebanese Film Festival in Paris in November 2023, she won the student screenplay award for her futuristic film You are Now Connected. Her short film, rich in technical prowess, stands out for its emotion and driving fear. Its implicit message reminds the viewer to cling to their humanity beyond prejudices.
She recounts: "I post singing reels on Instagram, and in March, a young music producer sent me a DM asking if I could collaborate on his new song. He had the music produced as a draft and asked me to write the lyrics, compose the melody, and record all my voices. It was a remote collaboration, me in Paris and him, Rishabh Menon, an engineering student, in Texas. After listening to his first song online, I liked the style. So, I challenged myself to sing to electronic (EDM), pop, and dance music. It was really a challenge to me because his style is different from mine. I usually lean towards soft pop, classical, or even Broadway music."
Regarding the song, she explains: "Fall Together is about a love we have for someone, any kind of love. It's a declaration to never let go, a promise that if we fall, we will fall together, not separately. While writing this song, I didn't want it to seem too romantic or deep. I created it in a lighter setting where both people are dancing on a dance floor in summer, enjoying their time together. Fall Together is currently available on all major streaming platforms like Spotify, Apple Music, Anghami, and YouTube Music."

Singing is a way for Laetitia Moya to reveal herself: "I have always sung throughout my life; in school choirs, the Drama Club, university talent shows, and even in classical choirs and rock bands. I have trained in classical piano for over 16 years but never took professional singing lessons. I am self-taught. Singing is a way for me to express my vulnerability because I see myself as someone with a hard shell who struggles to express what I truly feel."
The artist juggles her talents as a filmmaker and singer. She states: "Having a bachelor's degree in cinema and a master's degree in directing, I am trying to find my artistic identity. Combining both arts is a strength for me, not a weakness. I don't see it as a balance where cinema is on one side and music on the other, but rather as an experience where I express the same feelings and ideas in different media through the same emotions and pen. I try to create cinematic covers of existing songs because I've always been told I have a voice worth exploring in the musical theater world. Thus, I act while singing. There's a story and an emotion behind my performance. I try to embody the character's story while staying true to myself."
Regarding what motivates her to sing today, she says: "What motivates me to sing is my old self, the passion I had when I was younger. When I was 7, I used to perform singing and theater shows at home. Watching those recordings again, I feel I owe it to myself to achieve what I really want in life. I want to reach more people with my art and music, to connect with them through art. Today, seeing other rising artists who are well-rounded artistically motivates me to push myself and not postpone my dreams any longer. Watching concerts or shows, when people applaud, I always get tears in my eyes. It's just my fuel."
Regarding her future projects, the artist is ambitious. Thanks to her talent and determination, we believe in her. "I have recorded a soon-to-be-released EP, Night Trip. I hope the first single will be out by the end of 2024. It's a project where the old songs I wrote when I was 13 have been recycled and rearranged to fit modern times and the new me. I'm also trying to write my next feature film."
As long as talents like Laetitia Moya exist, whether under the Lebanese sky or beyond borders, despite the chaotic situation here or elsewhere, life will still go on.
Marie-Christine Tayah
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