The Sistine Chapel Choir Enchants Abu Dhabi
On May 30, 2024, the Abu Dhabi Festival and the Apostolic Nunciature to the United Arab Emirates offered the public a memorable evening with the Arab premiere of the prestigious Sistine Chapel Choir at St. Francis Church in the Abrahamic Family House.

On May 30, a musical event of historical significance took place under the benevolent gaze of the high dignitaries of the United Arab Emirates and before a captivated audience. For the first time in the Arab world, the Sistine Chapel Choir, a true musical institution with 1500 years of existence, made its heavenly voices resonate within the walls of St. Francis Church, at the heart of the Abrahamic Family House in Abu Dhabi.

Under the inspired direction of Monsignor Marcos Pavan, the choristers transported the audience on a musical journey filled with spirituality and emotions. The works, performed by renowned composers such as Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina and Gregorio Allegri, showcased the richness and timeless beauty of sacred music.

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Beyond the artistic prowess, this concert carries a strong symbolic dimension. It embodies the values of peace, dialogue and human fraternity, dear to the United Arab Emirates. It also echoes the principles outlined in the Document on Human Fraternity, signed in 2019 by His Holiness Pope Francis and His Eminence the Grand Imam of Al-Azhar, Professor Ahmed Al-Tayeb.

For HE Huda Alkhamis-Kanoo, founder of the Abu Dhabi Music and Arts Foundation (ADMAF) and artistic director of the Abu Dhabi Festival, this event underscores the importance of cultural exchanges and understanding between civilizations. “Music is a universal language that brings us together and elevates us. By hosting the Sistine Chapel Choir, we celebrate the richness of our shared heritage and the harmonious fusion of Eastern and Western cultures,” she said.

HE Archbishop Christophe El-Kassis, Ambassador of the Holy See to the United Arab Emirates, praised the quality of the relations between the Holy See and the United Arab Emirates, as well as their shared commitment to promoting intercultural dialogue. “This concert is a bridge between cultures, a message of peace and fraternity addressed to the whole world,” he emphasized.

The Abrahamic Family House, which has been housing three places of worship and a center for learning and dialogue since 2023, proved to be the ideal setting for this meaningful event. Its mission to bring together people and cultures found a particular resonance on this evening dedicated to harmony and sharing.

The concert of the Sistine Chapel Choir will be remembered as an exceptional moment, a link between cultures and spiritualities. It attests to the United Arab Emirates’ desire to promote dialogue, tolerance and mutual understanding, which are essential values for building a future of peace and prosperity for all.
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