TikTok Rape Case: Twelve People Charged
Judge Tanios Saghbini, Public Prosecutor at the Court of Appeal in Mount Lebanon, has initiated proceedings against twelve individuals - five of whom have already been arrested – on charges of involvement in the TikTok pedophile network. These include Georges Moubayyed, a hairdresser who has already been apprehended, and Paul Meouchi, owner of a clothing store. Nicknamed Jay, he lives in Sweden.

Judge Saghbini referred the defendants to the first investigating judge in Mount Lebanon, Nicolas Mansour, who was asked to interrogate them and issue arrest warrants against them. He also asked him to circulate these arrest warrants to Interpol, and to send two letters rogatory via this organization to two Arab and European countries where Peter Nafaa and Meouchi, the accused, could be found.

Magistrate Saghbini accuses the defendants of having “formed a criminal network for human trafficking and money laundering and of having solicited children, via social networks, mainly TikTok, for sexual purposes.”

In the text sent to the examining magistrate, Saghbini points out that “the members of this network forced minors to take drugs before raping them, taking photos of them nude and selling these photos.” They even “tried to kill some of the children by resorting to violent, life-threatening practices.”

According to judicial sources, Saghbini subdivided the case. Thus, proceedings have been brought against those who have already undergone preliminary questioning. In the next few hours, he is expected to initiate proceedings against the other members of the network, once he has finished questioning them. These include the lawyer Khaled M., Hassan Singer, who is abroad, and the cab driver who transported the children to the chalets where they were raped.
This Is Beirut
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