Sweden has informed the Lebanese authorities that it does not intend to extradite the Lebanese Paul Meouchi, nicknamed Jay, suspected of being one of the main brains and financiers of the TikTok pedophile network, a case which came to light at the beginning of May.

Stockholm has responded to the rogatory commission issued on May 15 by the Public Prosecutor Jamal Hajjar, requesting Jay’s arrest as a first step.

According to a judicial source quoted by the pan-Arab daily Ashark al-Awsat, Stockholm has explained that it will not extradite this individual as he holds Swedish nationality.

It is highly likely that the arrest of all the members of the gang and its backers will be delayed due to the absence of judicial cooperation agreements between Lebanon and the countries where the three main suspects are based: Sweden, where Paul Meouchi lives, Switzerland, where Hassan Sinjer is based, and the United Arab Emirates, where Peter Naffah, nicknamed Steven, lives.

According to the same source, Lebanese judicial authorities “will send a memorandum to the Swedish authorities, requesting that the suspect be questioned about the charges brought against him and that the content of this questioning be handed over to them.”

It seems that Meouchi is reassured by the protection he enjoys in Sweden.

In an interview with a Swedish newspaper, he stated that he “currently resides at his mother’s house in the suburbs of Stockholm,” denying the crimes attributed to him following the investigations conducted by the Lebanese authorities.

On the other hand, he admitted knowing several members of the gang who are already in prison, claiming that he offered them “gifts” without asking for anything in return, and that he provided them with “financial assistance,” which led him to take out a $100,000 loan for the purpose of “distributing gifts.”

In addition, another judicial source confirmed to Houna Loubnan that “boxes of chocolate containing narcotic substances were found in the warehouse of a store belonging to Abdo Kissio,” one of the first men to be arrested in connection with the pedophilia case.

According to this information, these chocolates were used to drug the abused children.

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