Michel Moawad, MP for the Renewal bloc, stressed that it is “unacceptable for the Lebanese army to be part of the internal power game,” asserting that “it must be protected, and this requires that its chief remain at its head.”

In an interview on Thursday evening on the LBCI channel, Moawad indicated that “coordination is underway with all the components of the opposition to find appropriate solutions to the issue of army command.” In this context, he held “the Free Patriotic Movement responsible for everything we are going through today.” He added, “Any appointment by the government in the absence of a President of the Republic is unacceptable and unconstitutional.”

It should be remembered that the term of office of the current Commander-in-Chief of the Army, General Joseph Aoun, ends on January 10, and that the head of the Aounist party, Gebran Bassil, is doing his best to remove General Aoun and appoint another candidate in his place.

With regard to the presidential elections, Moawad noted that the French President’s special envoy, Jean-Yves Le Drian, had pointed out “that he has reported progress with all the parties that have agreed to move towards the third option”,adding “but not just any third option.”

Moawad reiterated his opposition to the candidacy of Sleiman Frangieh, leader of the Marada and candidate of the Shiite duo. “We are open to different opinions, but no one has the right to violate the Constitution by force of arms” .

The sovereignist deputy reiterated his “support for the cause of the Palestinian people and their right to self-determination in an independent state. However, he stressed that “we must protect Lebanon and neutralize it militarily.” In this sense, he stressed the importance of “doing everything possible to prevent the war currently limited to the south from becoming globalized.” To avoid this, Moawad called for “Hezbollah’s withdrawal from the south,” arguing that “this is not an amendment to resolution 1701 but rather its implementation.”

Firmly denouncing the 2024 budget, the MP for Zgharta warned that it “constitutes a major conspiracy against Lebanon and the Lebanese, and will provoke the emigration of what remains of our youth and human energy.” Continuing, Moawad felt that “this budget aims to murder the private sector and tax-paying institutions.” “For it to be balanced, structural expenditure must be reduced, in other words, reforms must be undertaken,” said Moawad, emphasizing that “the budget is a translation into figures of the government’s policy. It is therefore the government’s responsibility to implement reforms.” He added, “The solution lies in partnership with the private sector and the fight against the illegal economy and smuggling by controlling the borders.”

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