On Tuesday, the Saydet el-Jabal meeting condemned “the despicable smear campaign waged by Hezbollah’s cyber-army” which accuses anyone who expresses an opinion different from that of the pro-Iranian group, including “journalists, political and social elites,” of being “pro-Israel traitors.”

“This campaign includes a death threat against anyone targeted, and we hold Hezbollah responsible for any attack on the lives of those who oppose its policies,” said the statement issued jointly by the National Council to End the Iranian Occupation of Lebanon and the Saydet el-Jabal Gathering.

Both called on judicial authorities to “act swiftly to prosecute those involved in this campaign, as well as those leading it,” pointing out that “the latest to be targeted by this campaign are journalists Layal Alekhtiar, Dima Sadek and Nadim Kteish, among others.”

The National Council to End the Iranian Occupation of Lebanon and the Saydet el-Jabal Gathering expressed their “total solidarity with those targeted by these defamation campaigns, as they represent an image of Lebanon that resists authoritarian and extremist tendencies.”

For its part, the Renewal parliamentary bloc (Tajaddod) stressed that “the Moumanaa camp’s attempts to exploit the Palestinian issue” with a view to turning against Lebanon internally “will not go unnoticed.”

On X, the bloc accused “the Moumanaa axis of carrying out smear campaigns and accusations of treason,” while “renowned journalists have lost their lives simply for expressing an opinion different from that of the pro-Iranian axis.”

“Lebanon will not be in the image of authoritarian regimes,” Renouveau said, urging the judiciary to act.

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