Caretaker Minister of Economy Amine Salam signed on Monday a cooperation agreement with Digi Web LLC, the Choueh law firm and the Lebanese Association for Digital Transformation (LADT).

Dubbed “Towards the Future, Towards Lebanon as a Digital Country,” the agreement aims to train ministry staff in blockchain technologies and bring practical solutions to the ministry and citizens.

Blockchain is a technology for storing and transmitting information that is transparent, secure and operates without a central control body.

Discussions focused on the action plan and practical ways of implementing the agreement as quickly as possible. It was also agreed to launch the “BlockChaining Lebanon” conference, which aims to put Lebanon on the path to third-generation Internet, to support the Ministry of Economy and other ministries in the digital transformation process, to create new investment opportunities in the third-generation Internet sector, and to motivate young people and Lebanese companies to move to third-generation Internet.

For his part, Salam emphasized that digital transformation is an urgent necessity in Lebanon today, in light of the digital and technological changes underway in the region and around the world, with technology seen as the basic foundation and primary driver of creativity and innovation.

The aim, he said, is to develop working methods, public and private sector businesses, and reform public administrations.

He considered this cooperation agreement to be the first step on Lebanon’s path to progress, as digital transformation experiences in other countries have proven.

“This technology is an essential deterrent against corruption,” he said, assuring that it also improves transparency in the public sector, services, operations and communication between institutions and citizens.

“Moreover, this technology plays an important role in reducing costs and increasing productivity,” he added.

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