Caretaker Prime Minister Najib Mikati chaired a meeting at the Grand Serail on Friday to monitor the national emergency plan drawn up by the Council of Ministers in anticipation of any security developments.

At the meeting, the results of the week’s work and meetings were presented. Participants also reviewed the resources available from various partners, as well as the challenges and measures needed to prepare for the consequences of possible aggression. These measures would include the management of internal displacement, in particular humanitarian affairs.

The meeting included a discussion of topics relating to several sectors, including health, food security, basic aid, supplies and logistics, water and sanitation, protection, alternative accommodation, social stability, as well as nutrition and education.

Emphasis was placed on the measures needed to increase and manage stocks of wheat, basic commodities, fuel and medical supplies in Lebanon. These issues are considered crucial in the event of aggression and the interruption of transport and import services.

Work and meetings will continue over the coming days to strengthen coordination at both central and local levels.

In addition, budgets will be drawn up to strengthen the preparedness of the sectors concerned and identify funding opportunities at both national and international levels.

The forthcoming discussions will ensure the humanitarian community’s contribution to the global funding plan being developed by the Lebanese government.

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