The Lebanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Expatriates has instructed Lebanon’s permanent mission to the United Nations in New York to “file a complaint with the United Nations Security Council regarding Israel’s deliberate killing of the Lebanese journalist, Issam Abdallah, who worked for Reuters, and the injuring of other journalists from the French Press Agency and Al Jazeera.”

“These actions constitute a blatant attack and a heinous crime against freedom of expression, journalism, human rights, and international humanitarian law, by recklessly targeting innocent journalists who were dedicated to conveying the truth and defending it through their cameras and pens. They were covering the repeated Israeli aggressions in Southern Lebanon,” stated the Foreign Affairs Ministry.

The complaint also detailed “the escalating provocations and Israeli aggressions over the past week, which have resulted in the loss of life and damage to property.”

These actions represent a continuous violation of Lebanon’s sovereignty and of United Nations Security Council Resolution 1701, which reaffirms Lebanon’s commitment to its full implementation.

On Friday night, Carmen Jokhadar and Elie Brikha (Al-Jazeera), Christine Moustapha Assi (AFP), Dylan Collins, Thaer Zouheir Kazem, and Maher Nazih Abdel-Latif (Reuters) were injured, and Issam Abdallah (Reuters) was killed after Israel had shot a missile that targeted an area considered safe for journalists.

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