Eighteen Sunni MPs convened on Saturday at Dar al-Fatwa, under the leadership of the Mufti of the Republic, Sheikh Abdellatif Deriane, and condemned the “massacres committed by Israel” in Gaza, the repeated aggressions in Lebanese territory, and what they described as a “genocide” in Gaza.

They also emphasized the Palestinian people’s right to their “occupied” land, advocating for the establishment of a national state with Jerusalem as a capital. Additionally, they highlighted the Arab, Islamic, and human dimension of the Palestinian cause, stressing the importance of respecting international legitimacy, especially UN resolutions regarding the right of peoples to self-determination and the management of their national affairs.

Nine MPs, namely Halimé Kaakour, Oussama Saad, Ibrahim Mneinmeh, Abdel Karim Kabara, Yassine Yassine, Abdel Aziz Samad, Walid Baarini, Ahmad Rustom, and Mohamed Sleiman, were absent from the meeting.

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