MP Sami Gemayel, leader of the Kataeb Party, presented a comprehensive strategy in response to the persistent Syrian refugee crisis in Lebanon.

During a conference held at the Kataeb Party headquarters in Saifi, Gemayel proposed to “remove refugee status from Syrians who regularly travel to Syria and then return to Lebanon, and deport those who entered illegally.”

Crucial to the Kataeb Party’s plan is the distinction between political refugees and economic migrants, as Gemayel highlighted that the majority of Syrians fall into the latter category. “The majority of Syrians are economic refugees, which changes our approach to the Syrian issue,” he said.

Furthermore, Gemayel called for the immediate closure of illegal border crossings along the Lebanon-Syria border, emphasizing the pivotal role of the Lebanese Army in enforcing this critical measure.

He also underscored the importance of rigorous law enforcement to address challenges related to the informal labor market and security concerns arising from the refugee crisis.

Lebanon has been grappling with a multitude of social, economic and security challenges due to the significant presence of Syrian refugees. Gemayel asserted that these proposed measures are imperative to safeguard the security and well-being of Lebanese citizens amid the ongoing crisis.

The issue of Syrian refugees in Lebanon has been a contentious and divisive one, and the Kataeb Party’s comprehensive plan represents a concerted effort to address the crisis comprehensively and from various angles.

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