The chairman of the Parliament’s Administration and Justice Committee, Georges Adwan, called for “a unified national position” concerning the displaced Syrians present in Lebanon, denouncing the division that reigns within the government on this issue. He even demanded a “confrontation with the international community.”

The absence of confrontation has allowed the international community to treat Lebanon this way,” said Adwan, in reference to the international community’s insistence on keeping displaced Syrians in Lebanon.

The Administration and Justice Committee held a session on Tuesday to discuss the pressing topic of the Syrian refugees in Lebanon, which remains a primary concern to the country. The Committee agreed that the government is divided on the issue of the Syrian refugees and on the need for a unified national stance, electing a president, and revitalizing institutions to effectively address the issue.

In a released statement, the Committee agreed that the issue is larger than the capacity of the Lebanese state, exceeding the capacity of the security forces and ministries, as well as the capacity of the Syrian state.

“We do not expect any progress until a president is elected, and the institutions are reactivated,” the statement added.

Throughout the meeting, the MPs emphasized the necessity of having a crisis cell that includes representatives from Lebanon, Syria, UNHCR, and the European Union, to discuss ways of resolving this crisis.

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