On the eve of the annual mandate renewal of the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL) and on the occasion of the 17th anniversary of the 2006 July war, the Saydet el-Jabal Gathering reiterated the importance of the full implementation of Resolution 1701 that halted that war.

Following its weekly meeting on Monday, the Gathering called for placing Resolution 1701 under Chapter VII of the United Nations Charter, given Hezbollah’s dominance over the Lebanese state.

“The clearest manifestations of sovereignty and independence lie in the implementation of the constitution and international legal resolutions. Placing Resolution 1701 under Chapter VII implies Lebanon’s independence from Iranian occupation, peace for its people, and retirement for Hezbollah,” the Gathering said in a statement.

It stressed that the government must extend its authority all over the Lebanese territories in accordance with Resolutions 1559 and 1680, as well as the relevant provisions of the Taif Agreement.

The statement underlined that the resolutions provided that all territories should be free from armed groups and subject to the sole authority of legitimate forces. Otherwise, Hezbollah would be granted international legitimacy as a de facto authority in Lebanon, undermining the rule of the state.

Furthermore, the statement highlighted that resolution 1701 held Hezbollah responsible for starting the war in 2006 and stressed the need to transition from the state of immediate cessation of all hostile activities, as stipulated in the first paragraph of the resolution, to a state of permanent ceasefire, as stipulated in paragraphs 8, 9, and 10 of the resolution.

It called on the government to fully commit to achieving a long-term settlement as mandated by Article 9 of the resolution and to show concrete steps in that direction.

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