Talal Salman, the founder, publisher and editor-in-chief of daily As-Safir has passed away at the age of 85, leaving behind a successful journalistic career.

Born in 1938, Salman launched the Lebanese daily As-Safir in 1974 as a platform for pan-Arab nationalist causes. It was an independent daily political newspaper that carried the slogan “A Lebanese newspaper in the Arab world, and an Arab newspaper in Lebanon.” It also adopted the motto of being the “voice of the voiceless.”

For decades, As-Safir has been a media reference in Arab and Lebanese affairs, earning respect and influencing public opinion.

The founder and editor-in-chief’s career was marked by many challenges; As-Safir’s printing press was bombed in 1980, and Salman himself survived an assassination attempt on July 14, 1984. He carried the scars from the attempt on his face and chest.

Salman received several national, regional and international awards, including Media Personality of the Year in 2009, awarded by the Dubai Press Club.

He is the author of several books and essays.

He was married with three children.

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