After the summoning on Thursday of four inhabitants of Kahaleh by the Army intelligence services, and within the framework of the investigation into the serious incident which occurred nine days ago in this locality, the municipality of Kahaleh protested, emphasizing that the investigation should not “put the aggressor and the aggressed on an equal footing.”

On August 9, after a truck belonging to Hezbollah and transporting ammunition overturned in Kahaleh, a shootout broke out between local residents and elements of the pro-Iranian formation, killing a resident of Kahaleh and the driver of the truck.

In a statement issued after a meeting on Thursday evening, the municipality said, “The investigation should not begin with the questioning of the defenseless inhabitants of Kahaleh. Rather, it should focus on the armed group that opened fire on them to intimidate them.”

The statement added that Fadi Bejjani, killed in the Kahaleh firefight, “tried to push them back, and was killed by the bullets of armed civilians, as the evidence, sound and image, shows.”

“The investigation is necessary to establish justice; however, it must not put the aggressor and the aggressed on an equal footing,” it said.

According to MTV channel, the four inhabitants of Kahaleh were summoned to appear this Friday before investigators at the Baabda intelligence service station. They reportedly refused to come forward before Fadi Bejjani’s killer was handed over to the authorities.


On Friday, the leader of the Kataeb Party, Sami Gemayel, denounced the summoning of the four inhabitants of Kahaleh. He wrote on his “X” account, “The summoning of the inhabitants of Kahaleh, attacked in their locality, is unacceptable.”

Gemayel warned against not respecting equality among Lebanese citizens. “The judiciary must not become a false witness,” he added.

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